

T. Zhao, Z. Zhang, W. Liu, X.K. Sun, R. Grössinger:
"Observation of low-field peaks and the temperature evolution of four kinds of magnetization processes in Pr0.8Nd0.2Fe11Ti";
Physical Review B, 67 (2003), S. 014419-1 - 014419-1.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Observation of low-field peaks and the temperature evolution of four kinds of magnetization processes in Pr0.8Nd0.2Fe11Ti

T. Zhao, Z. D. Zhang, W. Liu, and X. K. Sun Shenyang-National Laboratory for Materials Science and International Centre for Materials Physics, Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wenhua Road 72, Shenyang 110016, People's Republic of China

R. Grössinger Institute of Experimental Physics, Technical University of Vienna, Wiedner-Hauptstraße 8-10, A-1040, Vienna, Austria

(Received 11 July 2002; revised 20 September 2002; published 24 January 2003)

Two abnormal magnetic phenomena, i.e., the low-field peak in the second derivative of magnetization and the temperature evolution of four kinds of magnetization processes in a sequence of Normal [-->] quasi-FOMP [-->] SOMP [-->] FOMP (FOMP and SOMP stand for first- and second-order magnetization processes) are observed experimentally in a compound Pr0.8Nd0.2Fe11Ti. An experimental procedure is developed to overcome the difficulty of distinguishing these phenomena. The mechanisms behind these phenomena are also discussed, which are consistent with the predictions of the theoretical calculations of one- and two-sublattice fixed sample models based on the mean-field theory. The systematical study of our previous work on the two-sublattice systems is briefly reviewed. A comprehensible description is given of the starting hypothesis, models, and expectations, and conclusions deduced from these experimental data. ©2003 The American Physical Society

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