
Beiträge in Tagungsbänden:

C. Hauser, S. Radel, M. Gröschl, E. Benes:
"Ultrasound enhanced de-mixing of oil-water emulsions";
in: "Proc. 1st Congress of Alps Adria Acoustics Association / 3rd Congress of Slovenian Acoustical Society", M. Cudina (Hrg.); Slovenian Acoustical Society, Portoroz/Slowenien, 2003, ISBN: 961-6238-73-6, S. 313 - 320.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Ultrasonic filters are successfully used for the retention of suspended biological cells and
mainly applied in the field of biotechnology. In theory, the same principle of particle
manipulation exploited when separating biological cells can be applied to the droplets in
an emulsion.
Various samples of industrial interest ranging from bio-Diesel to washing liquids for the
printing industry were chosen for examination.
Batch separators were used for experiments where the ultrasonic field was expected to
coagulate the small droplets and subsequently de-mix the emulsion by gravity. The effect
of the ultrasound was evaluated in comparison to unsonicated controls. Pictures of samples
and controls will be shown to indicate the effect of the ultrasonic treatment. It was shown
that ultrasonic treatment within specially designed resonators was applicable for the demixing
of emulsions.

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