
Beiträge in Tagungsbänden:

A. Schröder, M. Kupnik, R. Reitinger, M. Gröschl, E. Benes:
"Ultrasound generation in air with focus on recent developments of capacitance ultrasonic transducers";
in: "Proc. 1st Congress of Alps Adria Acoustics Association / 3rd Congress of Slovenian Acoustical Society", M. Cudina (Hrg.); Slovenian Acoustical Society, Portoroz/Slowenien, 2003, ISBN: 961-6238-73-6, S. 301 - 308.

Kurzfassung englisch:
This paper is focussed on ultrasonic transducers for sound generation in air. In addition to the
commonly known and widely used transducers based on the piezoelectric principle, there are
other transducers utilizing different physical principles for sound generation that offer
advantages in certain applications. A short survey of the problem of sound generation in air is
given and the most important ultrasonic transducers used for this purpose are introduced.
Fundamental transducer properties and basic applications are discussed. For specific measurement
applications the capacitance ultrasonic transducer shows advantages compared to
piezoelectric transducers. Recent developments in the field of capacitance transducers
conducted at the Institute of General Physics are presented. The concept of transducer
characterization is discussed. As an example, measurement results achieved with specially
developed high temperature resistant capacitance transducers are presented and the design
rules to obtain certain transducer properties as desired are explained. Future developments
and new applications that become feasible due to these developments are discussed.

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