

I. Reichl, A. Vernes, L. Szunyogh, C. Sommers, P. Mohn, P. Weinberger:
"Ab initio determination of the optical properties of bulk Au and free surfaces of Au ";
Phil. Mag., 84 (2004), 24; S. 2543 - 2557.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The optical properties of bulk Au and a (100) free surface of Au are determined
by solving the Helmholtz-Fresnel equations for a geometry reflecting
layered systems. This approach is based on the use of the microscopical conductivity
tensor evaluated fully relativistically and, for later purposes, does include
the option of choosing an arbitrary uniform direction of a possibly present
magnetization. It will be shown that, while so-called experimental bulk data
agree reasonably well with their theoretically obtained counterparts, in the case
of free surfaces of Au (semi-infinite systems) they not only disagree substantially
in size between different experiments but also with the theoretical values.
The shapes of the curves for the real and the imaginary parts of the diagonal
permittivity tensor elements "xx and "zz, however, are rather similar.

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