
Beiträge in Tagungsbänden:

D. Dunai, S. Zoletnik, E. Galutschek, F. Aumayr, Hp. Winter:
"Combined density-temperature fluctuation measurement with beam emission spectroscopy";
in: "31st EPS Conf. on Plasma Phys.", Imperial College London, London/UK, 2004, S. 5151 - 5154.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The importance of anomalous transport, thought to be caused by turbulence, is well
known in fusion plasmas. As the theory of plasma turbulence is not fully understood
yet, the experimental verification of various theoretical predictions is an important task.
Turbulence appears as fluctuation in the plasma parameters (density, temperature, potential
etc.) and the correlation between the fluctuation of di erent quantities plays an
important role. This paper describes numerical studies to explore the possibility of correlated
density-temperature fluctuation measurement using Beam Emission Spectroscopy

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