

V. Tsiantos, T. Schrefl, W. Scholz, H. Forster, D. Süss, R. Dittrich, J. Fidler:
"Thermally activated magnetization rotation in small nanoparticles";
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 39 (2003), No. 5; S. 2507 - 2509.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Thermally activated magnetization rotation in small nanoparticles
Tsiantos, V. Schrefl, T. Scholz, W. Forster, H. Suess, D. Dittrich, R. Fidler, J.
Inst. of Solid State Phys., Vienna Univ. of Technol., Austria;
This paper appears in: Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on

Publication Date: Sept. 2003
On page(s): 2507- 2509
Volume: 39, Issue: 5
ISSN: 0018-9464
INSPEC Accession Number: 7778370
In this paper, we test the performance and validity of a semi-implicit time-integration scheme, originally applied in quantum dynamics, for use in micromagnetics. The attempt frequency and energy barriers are calculated for Co nanoparticles. Moreover, a fit of the relaxation time to the Arrhenius-Neel law is presented. The semi-implicit time-integration method is very robust and allows time steps up to 3 ps at a temperature of 50 K.

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