

M. Stehno, T. Schrefl, R. Dittrich, H. Forster, J. Fidler, Y. Uesaka:
"Numerical switching experiments for perpendicular media";
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 39 (2003), No. 5; S. 2297 - 2299.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Numerical switching experiments for perpendicular media
Stehno, M. Schrefl, T. Dittrich, R. Forster, H. Fidler, J. Uesaka, Y.
Inst. for Solid State Phys., Vienna Univ. of Technol., Austria;
This paper appears in: Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on

Publication Date: Sept. 2003
On page(s): 2297- 2299
Volume: 39, Issue: 5
ISSN: 0018-9464
INSPEC Accession Number: 7778312
The switching speed of a granular perpendicular recording medium is investigated using finite-element micromagnetic calculations. The switching behavior sensitively depends on the intergrain exchange coupling, the grain-size distribution, and the degree of alignment of easy axes. These effects are investigated using subgrain discretization. In irregular microstructures the switching time decreases considerably with decreasing intergrain exchange.

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