

V. Tsiantos, T. Schrefl, W. Scholz, J. Fidler:
"Thermal magnetization noise in submicrometer spin valve sensors";
Journal of Applied Physics, 93 (2003), No. 10; S. 8576 - 8578.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Thermal magnetization noise in submicrometer spin valve sensors

Vassilios D. Tsiantos, Thomas Schrefl, Werner Scholz, and Josef Fidler
Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Solid State Physics, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8-10/138, A-1040, Vienna, Austria

With decreasing device dimensions thermal fluctuations may ultimately limit the performance of spin valve sensors. Using finite element micromagnetic simulations, we investigate thermal magnetization noise in submicrometer soft magnetic sensor elements within the framework of Langevin simulations. Local random thermal fluctuations lead to a collective motion of the magnetization. The magnetization precesses in the end domains leading to an oscillation of the total magnetization parallel to the long axes with an amplitude in the order of 0.1 Ms at 350 K. The noise power increases linearly with temperature. Irrespective of the bias field, the time averaged total magnetization parallel to the long axes decays

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