

J. Aßmann, D. Crihan, M. Knapp, E. Lundgren, E. Löffler, M. Muhler, v. Narkhede, H. Over, M. Schmid, A.P. Seitsonen, P. Varga:
"Understanding the Structural Deactivation of Ruthenium Catalysts on an Atomic Scale under both Oxidizing and Reducing Conditions";
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 44 (2005), S. 917 - 920.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The surface-science approach coupled with industrial catalyst research offers a synergistic strategy to improve the performance of industrial catalysts. The poorly understood microscopic processes that determine the structural deactivation of ruthenium-based catalysts during CO oxidation have been elucidated. Based on these results measures are proposed to improve the performance of ruthenium catalysts.

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