

A. Vernes, P. Weinberger:
"Formally linear response theory of pump-probe experiments";
Physical Review B, 71 (2005), S. 165108-1 - 165108-12.

Kurzfassung englisch:
By linearizing the density of both the pump- and probe-excited states and neglecting the overlap between femtosecond laser pulses, the Kubo response theory is extended to describe pump-probe experiments. The main advantages of this response scheme is that although second order responses are included, it formally remains a linear theory and therefore all obtained expressions can be implemented straightforwardly within any standard band structure method, e.g., based on a Green's function approach. In particular, even the time-dependent zeroth order dynamic conductivity as obtained by means of the spin-polarized relativistic screened Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker method for fcc Ni(100) predicts a relatively slow demagnetization process over 100 fs after the impact of the probe pulse, which is in reasonably good agreement with available experimental data. ©2005 The American Physical Society

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