

M. Müller, H. Schulz, H. Kirchmayr:
"Unified heat treatment for multifilamentary internal tin and bronze route Nb3Sn strands";
Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, 419 (2005), S. 115 - 120.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Unified heat treatment for multifilamentary internal tin and bronze route Nb3Sn strands

M. Müller,H. Schulz and H. Kirchmayr

Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Solid State Physics, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10/E138, A-1040 Vienna, Austria

Received 5 October 2004; revised 23 November 2004; accepted 6 January 2005. Available online 8 February 2005.

The unification of the reaction heat treatment cycle for Nb3Sn strands produced by Europa Metalli (EM) and Vacuumschmelze (formerly: VAC, now: European Advanced Superconductors, EAS) is of great interest and importance for the intended construction of ITER. It will be shown that a unified heat treatment could be found for these two strand types, with the additional advantage of a total heat treatment time significantly shorter than recommended by the strand producers.

Keywords: Nb3Sn; Internal tin; Bronze route; Heat treatment; ITER

PACS: 74.70.A; 74.72; 85.25.K; 85.25.L


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