

B. Lazarovits, P. Simon, G. Zaránd, L. Szunyogh:
"Exotic Kondo Effect from Magnetic Trimers";
Physical Review Letters, 95 (2005), S. 077202-1 - 077202-4.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Motivated by the recent experiments of Jamneala et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 256804 (2001)] by combining ab initio and renormalization group methods, we study the strongly correlated state of a Cr trimer deposited on gold. Internal orbital fluctuations of the trimer lead to a huge increase of TK compared to the single ion Kondo temperature explaining the experimental observation of a zero-bias anomaly for the trimers. The strongly correlated state seems to belong to a new yet hardly explored class of non-Fermi-liquid fixed points.

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