
Beiträge in Tagungsbänden:

J. Laimer, S. Haslinger, W. Meissl, J. Hell, H. Störi:
"Atmospheric pressure radiofrequency capacitive plasma yet operated with argon";
in: "Proc. 17th Symp. on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 2005)", 17th Symp. on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 2005), Canada, 2005, 5 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
We developed an atmospheric pressure RF capacitive plasma jet having planar electrodes und investigated its
performance when operated with argon. A stable uniform glow-like discharge (α-mode of an RF discharge) can
be sustained within a wide power range. However, a non-uniform discharge (coexisting α- and γ-mode) was
observed immediately after ignition. A transition to the pure α-mode occurred at a very low RF power. Contrary,
a transition from the pure α-mode to the coexisting α- and γ-mode took place at a high RF power.
Keywords: RF discharge, α-discharge, γ-discharge, atmospheric pressure, argon

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