

P. Kerschl, A. Handstein, K. Khlopkov, O. Gutfleisch, D. Eckert, K. Nenkov, J.C. Tellez Blanco, R. Grössinger, K.-H. Müller, L. Schultz:
"High-field magnetisation of SmCo5-xCux (x~2.5) determined in pulse fields up to 48 T";
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 290-291 (2005), S. 420 - 423.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The strong influence of Cu substitution on the magnetic properties of SmCo5, especially on the coercive field, is well known. Induction-melted samples (x=2,2.5,3) show a phase separation within the 1:5 structure. An unusual jump from a low to a high magnetisation state in an increasing external field is observed. Using pulse field, high coercive forces up to about μ0 JHc≈30 T and a high critical field μ0HU for the unusual jump reaching 45 T at 4.2 K for x=3 are observed for the first time. Hc and HU increase with decreasing temperature. An influence of the field changing rate on the measured HU is found.

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