

A. A. Shaltout, H. Ebel, R. Svagera:
"Update of photoelectric absorption coefficients in the tables of McMaster";
X-Ray Spectrometry, 35 (2006), S. 52 - 56.

Kurzfassung englisch:
As a result of a systematic analysis of the compilation of McMaster's x-ray cross-sections, the polynomial coefficients of the N range (from edges N7 to M5) of elements Z = 61-69 have to be corrected. Furthermore, no detailed information on position and jumps of M edges of elements Z > 53 and N edges of elements Z > 85 are given. Elements Z = 84, 85, 87, 88, 89, 91 and 93 are missing. We have corrected the wrong values of polynomial coefficients and added missing M- and N-edge data and missing elements.

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