

R. Sato Turtelli, T. Krenicky, A. Penton-Madrigal, R. Grössinger, I. Skorvánek, H. Sassik, E. Estévez-Rams, M. Schönhart, C. F. Barbatti:
"Magnetic and structural characterization of as-cast and annealed melt- spun Fe80-xSi20Crx";
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 304 (2006), S. e687 - e689.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Magnetic and structural characterization of as-cast and annealed melt- spun Fe80-xSi20Crx

Reiko Sato Turtelli a, Tibor Krenicky b, Arbelio Penton-Madrigal c, Roland Grössinger a, Ivan Skorvánek b, Herbert Sassik a, Ernesto Estevez-Rams c, Markus Schönhart a and Carla da Fonseca Barbatti a

a Inst. f. Festkörperphysik, Tech. Univ. Wien, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8, Vienna, Austria
b Inst. of Exp. Physics, Slovak Acad. Sci., Watsonova 47, SK-043 Kosice, Slovakia
c Facultad de Fisica-IMRE, Univ. de la Habana, San Lazaro y L., CP 10400. C. Habana, Cuba


Magnetic properties and structural evolution of the melt-spun Fe80-xSi20Crx and Fe87.1-xSi12.9Crx with Cr concentration are investigated for the as-cast and annealed samples. The coercivity at 300 K of the as-cast alloys decreases and that of the annealed ones increases with Cr concentration. For both as-cast and annealed samples, the saturation magnetization and the magnetic ordering temperature decrease, although heat treatments cause an increase of these magnetic properties. We have explained the behavior of these concentration dependence based on the structural analysis. Low-Cr region displays a discontinuity in the coercivity curve of the annealed alloys, which can be attributed to the change of the short-range order to the transient long-range ordered state.

Keywords: Fe-Si alloys; Coercivity; Casting

Fe-Si alloys; Coercivity; Casting

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