
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

M. Eisterer, R. Fuger, M. Zehetmayer, H. W. Weber:
"High Tempeature Superconducting Materials for Fusion Magnets";
Talk: EURATOM Magnet Meeting, Barcelona (Spanien); 05-15-2006 - 05-17-2006.

English abstract:
High temperature superconducting (HTS) materials offer in principle a considerable potential for magnet applications, particularly because of their extremely high critical magnetic fields and their excellent current carrying capability at low temperatures. Conductors made of Bi-2212 were shown to be suitable for low temperature operation (~5 K), tapes or wires made from MgB2 may become available for operation at ~20 K. At high temperatures (up to 77 K), only RE-123 HTS in the form of so-called "coated conductors" (cc´s) offer sufficiently high critical current densities, if appropriately manufactured, for high field magnets.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.