
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

J. Klikovits, L.R. Merte, M. Schmid, J. Gustafson, A. Mikkelsen, M. Borg, E. Lundgren, J.N. Andersen, P. Varga:
"Correlating spectroscopy and atomic scale information: Reduction of the Rh(111) surface oxide by CO and H2";
Poster: Symp. on Surface Science 2006 (3S'06), St. Christoph am Arlberg; 07.03.2006; in: "3S'06 Symposium on Surface Science 2006, Contributions", F. Aumayr, P. Varga (Hrg.); (2006), S. 85 - 86.

Kurzfassung englisch:
In the field of catalysis, oxide formation cannot be neglected under realistic conditions. Oxide
formation changes the properties of a surface and it was found that catalytic properties could
be attributed to oxides rather than to the pure metal surfaces [1]. Besides the formation of
superstructures by oxygen adsorption and bulk oxides, oxidation of a metal surface often
leads to complex two-dimensional structures, which are different from bulk oxides [2-6]. In
the case of Rh(111) the structure of the trilayer surface oxide has already been solved by a
combination of experimental and theoretical methods [6]. It was found that the Rh surface
oxide on Rh(111) is only kinetically stabilized and hinders the formation of a bulk oxide.

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