

R. Küchler, P. Gegenwart, J. Custers, O. Stockert, N. Caroca-Canales, C. Geibel, J.G. Sereni, F. Steglich:
"Quantum Criticality in the Cubic Heavy-Fermion System CeIn3-xSnx";
Physical Review Letters, 96 (2006), S. 256403 -1 - 256403 -4.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Quantum Criticality in the Cubic Heavy-Fermion System CeIn3-xSnx

R. Küchler,1 P. Gegenwart,1 J. Custers,1 O. Stockert,1 N. Caroca-Canales,1 C. Geibel,1 J. G. Sereni,2 and F. Steglich1
1Max-Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, D-01187 Dresden, Germany
2Laboratorio Bajas Temperaturas, Centro Atomico Bariloche, 8400 S.C. Bariloche, Argentina

(Received 1 February 2006; published 30 June 2006)

We report a comprehensive study of CeIn3-xSnx (0.55<=x<=0.8) single crystals close to the antiferromagnetic quantum-critical point (QCP) at xc[approximate]0.67 by means of the low-temperature thermal expansion and Grüneisen parameter. This system represents the first example for a cubic heavy fermion in which TN can be suppressed continuously down to T=0. A characteristic sign change of the Grüneisen parameter between the antiferromagnetic and paramagnetic states indicates the accumulation of entropy close to the QCP. The observed quantum-critical behavior is compatible with the predictions of the itinerant theory for three-dimensional critical spin fluctuations. This has important implications for the role of the dimensionality in heavy-fermion QCPs.

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