

R. Sato Turtelli, C. Bormio-Nunes, J.P. Sinnecker, R. Grössinger:
"Effect of grain shape on magnetostrictive polycrystalline Fe-Ga alloys";
Physica B: Condensed Matter, 384 (2006), 1-2; S. 265 - 267.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Effect of grain shape on magnetostrictive polycrystalline Fe-Ga alloys

R. Sato Turtelli a,C. Bormio-Numes b, J.P. Sinnecker c and R. Grössinger a

a Institut für Festkörperphysik, Technische Universität Wien, Wiedner Hauptstrasse, 8-10, A-1040 Vienna, Austria
b Departamento de Engenhaia de Materiais, Fac. de Engenharia Química de Lorena, 12600-970-Lorena, S. Paulo, Brasil
c Inst. de Física, UFRJ, CP 68528, 21945-970-Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Available online 24 July 2006.

Polycristalline Fe100-xGax alloys with 15<x<30 present high saturation magnetostriction, which depends strongly on the preparation method. We found that the longitudinal magnetostrictions of copper mold-cast polycrystalline Fe80Ga20 and Fe71Ga29 alloys are three times larger along the axis parallel to the temperature gradient, than those along the axis perpendicularly to the TG. For x=0 and 29 the magnetostriction increases with decreasing temperature, reaching a value of 150 ppm at 4.2 K in the Fe71Ga29 alloy. However for x=20 a different behavior was found. These results are related to the particular microstructure composed of large and elongated grains and with crystallographic texture.

Keywords: Fe-Ga

Fe-Ga; Magnetostriction; Structural materials

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