
Beiträge in Tagungsbänden:

M. Reissner, J. Beiter, D. Pajic, K. Zadro, G. Hilscher, W. Steiner:
"On the Temperature Dependence of Magnetic Relaxation in Mn12-Acetate Around the Blocking Temperature";
in: "LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS: 24th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics; LT24", AIP Conference Proceedings 850, 2006, S. 1135 - 1136.

Kurzfassung englisch:
On the Temperature Dependence of Magnetic Relaxation in Mn12-Acetate Around the Blocking Temperature

M. Reissner, J. Beiter, D. Pajic, K. Zadro, G. Hilscher, and W. Steiner
Institute of Solid State Physics, Vienna University of Technology, Wien, A-1040, Austria
Department of Physics, University of Zagreb, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Magnetic relaxation measurements at different temperatures below the blocking temperature were performed on Mn12-acetate in fields corresponding to the first (zero) resonance. Three temperature regimes could be identified: Below 2.0 K (2.3 K) a square root time dependence is present, indicating thermally assisted tunneling. Up to 2.1 K. (2.6 K.) pure exponential behavior is found, typical for thermally activated tunneling. Just below TB a new regime with strongly non exponential behavior could be identified.

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