

U. Köhler, R. Demchyna, S. Paschen, U. Schwarz, F. Steglich:
"Schottky anomaly in the low-temperature specific heat of Ba8-xEuxGe43υ3";
Physica B: Condensed Matter, 378-380 (2006), S. 263 - 264.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Schottky anomaly in the low-temperature specific heat of Ba8-xEuxGe43υ3

U. Köhler, a, R. Demchyna a, S. Paschen a, U. Schwarz a and F. Steglich a

a Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids, Dresden D-01187, Germany


The low-temperature specific heat cp of the recently synthesized defect clathrate series Ba8-xEuxGe43υ3 (x=0.3,0.6) strongly depends on the Eu content x. cp/T vs. temperature T shows an upturn below 5 K, the intensity of which has previously been shown to increase with x. From investigation of cp in magnetic fields up to 9 T in the temperature range from 30 to 350 mK we conclude that this upturn is caused by a Schottky contribution from the Eu2+ ground state octet that is split due to the crystal electric field and the magnetic field on the Eu site.

Keywords: Clathrate; Specific heat; Schottky anomaly

Clathrate; Specific heat; Schottky anomaly

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