

D. Süss, J. Fidler, K. Porath, T. Schrefl, D. Weller:
"Micromagnetic study of pinning behavior in percolated media";
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 99 (2006), S. 08G905-1 - 08G905-3.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Micromagnetic study of pinning behavior in percolated media

Dieter Suess, Josef Fidler, and Karina Porath
Vienna University of Technology, Solid State Physics, Wiedner Hauptstrasse 8, 1040 Vienna, Austria

Thomas Schrefl
The University of Sheffield, Engineering Materials, Sir Robert Hadfield Building, Mappin Street, Sheffield, S1 3JD, United Kingdom

Dieter Weller
Dieter Weller, Seagate Recording Media Operations, 47010 Kato Road, Fremont, California

A micromagnetic model has been developed describing the influence of the domain wall pinning in a magnetic thin film consisting of a granular microstructure with perpendicular magnetocrystalline anisotropy and a film thickness in the range of 5-16 nm. The diameter of the prismatic domain wall pinning centers has been varied between 2 and 10 nm. The stability of a single written bit is investigated. Thermal stability (energy barrier=80kBT300) can be guaranteed if the diameters of the pinning sites are equal or larger than the domain wall width and the film thickness is about 16 nm. For defects on the order of 6 nm magnetically very hard materials with values of Ku of 4 x 106 J/m3 are required.

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