
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

I. Gebeshuber:
"Social, health and ethical implications of nanotechnology";
Hauptvortrag: Plenarvortrag, 2nd Vienna Intern. Conf. Micro- and Nanotechnology (Viennano07), Wr. Neustadt/NÖ; 14.03.2007; in: "2nd Vienna Intern. Conf. Micro- and Nanotechnology (Viennano07)", (2007), ISBN 978-3-901657-25-2 (book), ISBN 978-3-901657-2; S. 15 - 17.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Nanotechnology will have broad applications across all fields of engineering, so it will be an amplifier of the social effects of other technologies. There is an especially great potential for it to combine with three other powerful trends - biotechnology, information technology, and cognitive science - based on the material unity of nature at the nanoscale and on technology integration from that scale. It will be important to integrate social and ethical studies into nanotechnology developments from their very beginning. Technically competent research on the societal implications of nanotechnology will help give policymakers and the general public a realistic picture free of unreasonable hopes or fears.

Erstellt aus der Publikationsdatenbank der Technischen Universität Wien.