
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

W. Smekal:
"Coincidence measurements of electrons emitted from solid surfaces irradiated with electrons, photons and ions";
Vortrag: Seminar Institut für Allgemeine Physik (IAP), TU Wien; 05.06.2007.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Coincidence measurements of electron emission from solid surfaces allow one to discriminate many aspects of the emission process with unprecedented detail. In the present lecture this is demonstrated for (x-ray excited) Auger-photoelectron coincidence spectroscopy (APECS), for secondary electron energy loss coincidence spectroscopy (SEELCS) and for ion induced electron emission using a novel magnetic field time-of-flight spectrometer.
It is shown that with APECS it is possible to discriminate the emission depth of individual electrons by measuring the (elastic) photoelectron line in coincidence with Auger electrons that have lost a certain fraction of their original energy.
SEELCS measurements on Al were used to (partially) resolve the secondary electron cascade and directly reveal that a large fraction of the emitted secondary electrons result from surface plasmon decay.
The design and construction of a novel magnetic field time-of-flight spectrometer called MOVES (momentum vector electron spectrometer) is presented and first results on Cs+ induced electron emission from a polycrystalline Au surface are given and discussed.

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