
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (ohne Tagungsband-Eintrag):

I. Gebeshuber:
Vortrag: BEST Summer Course Vienna 2007 "Space Engineering - How to build a satellite"\, Wien; 12.07.2007.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Satellites are an integral part of today's modern life. Data from weather satellites enable detailed forecasts, telecommunication satellites reach to any place on earth. TV satellites broadcast their programs without the need of distribution networks, astronometric ones observe the universe unobstructed from earth's atmosphere, research satellites conduct experiments. Thousands of those artificial companions circle earth, and still, for many people they're strange, and somewhat eerie objects in the sky. This summer course will offer european students the possibility to learn about satellite construction, the problems of planning space missions, and thus give the participants a peek into satellite engineering. The participants will hear about important aspects of the development and deployment of satellites. (from http://www.bestvienna.at/activities/sc2007/overview.php)\

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