

A. Prokofiev, W. Assmus, K. Removic-Langer, V. Pashchenko, Y. Tsui, B. Wolf, M. Lang:
"Crystal growth and magnetic properties of the copper coordination polymer [Cu(µ-C2O4)(4-aminopyridine)2(H2O)]n";
Crystal Research and Technology, 42 (2007), 4; S. 394 - 399.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Crystal growth and magnetic properties of the copper coordination polymer [Cu(μ-C2O4)(4-aminopyridine)2(H2O)]n

A. V. Prokofiev, W. Assmus, K. Removiæ-Langer, V. Pashchenko, Y. Tsui, B. Wolf, and M. Lang

Physikalisches Institut, J. W. Goethe-Universität, Max-von-Laue-Str. 1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

In this paper, we consider various ways of crystal growth of the polymer [Cu(μ-C2O4)(4-aminopyridine)2(H2O)]n. Single crystals of the size of 1.5x1.5x0.2 mm3 have been grown by a slow diffusion technique from solutions of the monoammine copper complex and of the mixture of potassium oxalate and aminopyridine with the stoichiometric ratio. Magnetic susceptibility and ESR measurements have been performed on single crystals large enough for investigating anisotropic properties. The susceptibility can be well described within the model of a Heisenberg antiferromagnetic spin chain. The magnetic measurements reveal a small concentration of paramagnetic moments reflecting the high quality of the single crystals.

single crystals, coordination polymer, spin-1/2 chain

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