

E. Tschegg, J. Macht, M. Jamek, J. Steigenberger:
"Mechanical and Fracture-Mechanical Properties of Asphalt-Concrete Interfaces";
ACI Materials Journal, Vol. 104 (2007), No. 5; S. 474 - 480.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Mechanical and Fracture-Mechanical Properties of Asphalt-Concrete Interfaces

Document Name: 104-M52
Author(s): E. K. Tschegg, J. Macht, M. Jamek, and J. Steigenberger
Publication: Materials Journal
Volume: 104
Issue: 5
Pages: 474-480
Keywords: asphalt; bond; temperature; whitetopping
Date: September 1, 2007


This paper deals with the testing and assessment of the bond behavior and the crack resistance of asphalt-concrete interfaces tested at different temperatures, which are necessary for the rehabilitation of rutted asphalt pavements with the so-called whitetopping technology. Different pretreatments of the interface were performed: without any treatment, using cement grout, using a combination of cement grout and synthetic dispersion, or using only synthetic dispersion. The mechanical and fracture mechanical properties were determined by means of the pullout test and a wedge splitting test. The tests were performed at temperatures of -10, 0, 10, and 22 °C (14, 32, 50, and 71.6 °F).

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