

D. Süss, St. Eder, J. Lee, R. Dittrich, J. Fidler, J.W. Harrell, T. Schrefl, G. Hrkac, M. Schabes, N. Supper, A. Berger:
"Reliability of Sharrocks equation for exchange spring bilayers";
Physical Review B, 75 (2007), S. 174430-1 - 174430-11.

Kurzfassung englisch:
A Monte Carlo approach and a modified nudged elastic band method are used to study the dynamic coercivity of interacting particle arrays in particular perpendicular recording media and exchange spring bilayers. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to study the effect of the interactions on the dynamic coercivity of interacting particle arrays. It is shown that the interactions in magnetic recording media only slightly influence the dynamic coercivity. The reliability of energy barrier measurements based upon Sharrock's equation for frequency-dependent coercivity data is investigated using a modified nudged elastic band method. It is shown that the extrapolated energy barrier at zero field may deviate from the correct one by up to 18% if the conventional exponent n=1.5 is assumed. Our micromagnetic simulations furthermore indicate that the accuracy of the extrapolated energy barrier can be improved by about a factor of 3 upon measuring the dynamic coercivity at an angle of 45° and using the exponent n as an additional fit parameter.

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