

W.S.M. Werner:
"Photon and electron induced electron emission from solid surfaces";
in: "Slow Heavy-Particle Induced Electron Emission from Solid Surfaces", Springer-Verlag, 2007, ISBN: 978-3-540-70788-2, S. 39 - 77.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The emission of electrons from solid surfaces under photon and electron impact
is discussed. The focus of this contribution is on the transport of electrons from
their point of generation inside the solid to the surface. The physical quantities
characterizing the electron-solid interaction are introduced and their sources
in the literature are given. The theory for multiple scattering is outlined in
some detail and spectrum processing procedures based on it are explained.
The theoretical concepts are illustrated by means of experimental examples.
The considered phenomena include elastic and inelastic electron reflection
from solid surfaces, Auger- and photoelectron emission and secondary electron

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