

I. Mijatovic, G. Kickelbick, U. Schubert:
"Rearrangement of a Titanium Alkoxide Cluster upon Substitution of the Alkoxide Groups by Carboxylate Ligands - Synthesis of [Ti6O4(OEt)14(OOCPh)2] from [Ti7O4(OEt)20]";
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 8 (2001), S. 1933 - 1935.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Reaction of [Ti7O4(OEt)20] with benzoic acid results in the formation of the new cluster [Ti6O4(OEt)14(OOCPh)2] with concomitant rearrangement of the cluster structure. The molecular structure of the new cluster was determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction and can be represented by the extended formula [Ti64-O)22-O)22-OEt)62-benzoate)21-OEt)8].

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