

A. Winter, A. van den Berg, R. Hoogenboom, G. Kickelbick, U.S. Schubert:
"A Green and Straightforward Synthesis of 4'-Substituted Terpyridines";
Synthesis, 17 (2006), S. 2873 - 2878.

Kurzfassung englisch:
A set of 4'-substituted 2,2':6',2"-terpyridines has been synthesized in a one-pot procedure under environmentally friendly reaction conditions using PEG and aqueous ammonia as solvents. This procedure features a short synthetic route, short reaction times, easy work-up, and good yields in comparison to conventional methods. The crystallographic data reveal the influence of the 4'-aryl substituent on the molecular structure and p-stacking behavior of the respective terpyridines.

green chemistry, heterocycles, ligands, multicomponent reactions, terpyridines

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