

B. Kräutler, T. Dérer, P. Liu, W. Mühlecker, M. Puchberger, K. Gruber, C. Kratky:
"Oligomethylene-Bridged Vitamin B12 Dimers";
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 34 (2003), 1; S. 84 - 86.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The reaction of the highly nucleophilic CoI form of vitamin B12 with 1, -dibromo-n-alkanes (>=4) leads to oligomethylene-bridged B12 dimers in high yields. Use of 1,4-dibromobutane results in a dimer (shown schematically on the right), in which the two cobalamin moieties are tightly packed and coaxially linked through a tetramethylene chain, which is a synclinal conformation.

alkanediyl-bridged complexes ; cobalt compounds ; vitamin B12

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