E. Pampalk, A. Rauber, W. Merkl:
"Content-based Organization and Visualization of Music Archives";
in: "Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia Conference (ACM MM02)",
ISBN: 158113620x,
S. 570
- 579.
Kurzfassung englisch:
Electronic music repositories are gaining popularity as the amount of music
available in digital form increases rapidly. However, access to and
navigation within these archives is usually limited to text-based queries
or browsing manually predefined genre categories.
With the SOM-extended Jukebox (SOMeJB) we present an approach which
facilitates exploration of music libraries without requiring manual genre
classification. Given pieces of music in raw audio format we calculate
their perceived similarities based on psychoacoustic models. Subsequently,
the pieces are organized on a 2-dimensional map display so that similar
pieces are located close to each other. A visualization using a metaphor of
geographic maps provides an intuitive interface where islands resemble
genres or styles of music. We demonstrate the approach using a collection
of 359 popular pieces of music.
Erstellt aus der Publikationsdatenbank der Technischen Universität Wien.