
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

P. Purgathofer:
"Game design as an educational instrument";
Talk: ESF SCSS EXPLORATORY WORKSHOP: Affective and Emotional Aspects of Human-Computer Interaction: Emphasis on Game-Based and Innovative Learning Approaches, Pörtschach; 2004-09-23 - 2004-09-25.

English abstract:
the use of a game design setting as an educational instrument offers three distinct advantages: (1) it is fun (2) it taps into the potential for self-motivation (3) it opens the door for narrative structures

German abstract:
die verwendung eines game design settings als thema im multimedia-unterricht bietet drei besondere vorteile: (1) es macht spass (2) es eröffnet das potential zur eigenmotivation der teilnehmer (3) es lässt narrative strukturen entstehen.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.