

R. Harvey, D. Abbott, B. Aitken, M. Van Ballegooie, C. Becker, C. Casas Desantes, V. Heydegger, Y. Kim, L. Konstantelos, A. McHugh, S. Strodl, S. Ross:
"Emerging approaches for digital preservation in digital libraries: Report of the Fifth DELOS International Summer School";
Archivi & Computer (eingeladen), 1 (2006), S. 95 - 144.

Kurzfassung englisch:
The Fifth DELOS International Summer School on 'Digital preservation in digital libraries: emerging approaches' was held at the Centro Studi Cappuccini in San Miniato from the 4-10 June 2006. The lectures aimed to assist the attendees to gain a coherent understanding of issues surrounding digital preservation within the context of digital library development and management, and introduce them to emerging research in the area of digital curation and preservation. Digital preservation is an area of research flux and a core curriculum has yet to emerge, so courses of this kind stimulate new kinds of research approaches and provide a valuable environment for professionals to keep up to date in the area. This paper describes the material that was covered in the course and in doing so sketches nwew directions for research.

digital preservation, digital libraries, digital curation, long-term preservation, OAIS model, preservation planning

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