
Diploma and Master Theses (authored and supervised):

Ch. Hellmich:
"2D - Parameterstudien zur neuen österreichischen Tunnelbauweise mit Hilfe der Methode der Finiten Elemente"; Vienna University of Technology, Institute for Strength of Materials, 1995.

English abstract:
One of the main concepts of the NATM (New Austrian Tunnelling Method) is Fenner's and Patcher's ground response curve, which postulates the possibility to optimize the rock pressure acting on a tunnel lining. Thus, considering the philosophy of the NATM, the efforts necessary to construct tunnel linings can be minimized. Since the Fenner - Pacher - curve could neither be proved by measurement nor by means of analysis so far, in this thesis an attempt was made to determine ground response curves for soils qualitatively. The elastoplastic models for soil and for concrete, respectively, were used as an analysis tool.

After presenting the aim of this thesis in chapter 1 and discussing Fenner's and Pacher's ground response curve in chapter 2, chapter 3 summarizes the mathematical background of nonlinear Finite Element Methods. A concept to determine ground response curves is presented in chapter 4. The results obtained from this concept follow in chapter 5. Chapter 6 includes a critical judgement of this concept and proposes modifications to obtain better results.

Keywords: @diplomarbeit

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.