
Contributions to Proceedings:

H.A. Mang, H. Flögl:
"Analytical Prediction of Short-Term Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Panels, Slabs and Shells";
in: "1981 International Convention and Exposition of ASCE", ASCE, 1981, 12.

English abstract:
During the past decade analytical prediction of the short-term behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) panels, slabs, and, to a lesser degree, shells with the help of the Finite Element Method (FEM) has become a topic of intensive research. A number of state-of-the-arte lectures on FE analysis of RC structures was published some time ago by Bazant, Schnobrich and Scordelis [2]. With regard to ultimate load analysis of thin shells, no application of curved thin-shell elements, representing a logical choice for FE analysis of shells, was reported in this publication.

The writer's tool for ultimate load analysis of shells and their special cases - panels and slabs - is a curved, tiangular, thin-shell element, originally developed by Thomas and Gallagher [14] for buckling of linear elastic shells. Within the framework of a layered FE-model, geometric and physical nonlinearity, cracking of concrete and yielding of the reinforcement is taken into account. Moreover, a new concept for consideration of tension stiffening, developed by the writers [4], [5], is applied. Following the theoretical considerations, results of ultimate load analysis of a panel, a slab and a shell are presented and compared to experimental or analytical resutls of other authors.

[2] Bazant, Z.P., Schnobrich, W.C., and Scordelis, A.C.. "Analisi delle Strutture in Cemento Armato mediante il Metodo degli Elementi Finite," Proceedings of Seminar held at Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy, June 20-23, 1978.

[4] Floegl, H., and Mang, H.A., "Tension Stiffening Concept for RC Panels Based on Bond Slip," Manuscript Submitted for Publication to Proc. ASCE, J. Struct.Div.

[5] Floegl, H., Mang, H.A., "On Tension Stiffening in Cracked Reinforced Concrete Slabs and Shells Considering Geometric and Physical Nonlinearity," Ing.-Arch., in print.

[14] Thomas, G.R., and Gallagher, R.H., "A Triangular Thin Shell Finite Element: Linear Analysis," NASA Contractor Report 2482, Washington, D.C., 1976.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.