
Beiträge in Tagungsbänden:

H.A. Mang, Ch. Schranz:
"Remarkable Transitions of the Initial Postbuckling Behavior of Elastic Structures";
in: "CD-ROM Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics (CMM-2003)", T. Burczynski, P. Fedelinksi, E. Majchrzak (Hrg.); Silesian Technical University, 2003, ISBN: 83-914632-4-9, 9 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Many engineering structures are imperfection-sensitive. Their (initial) postbuckling behavior can be improved substantially by converting them to imperfection-insensitive structures. Such a conversion can be achieved by specific modes of stiffening of the structure. In this paper mathematical relations for the transition from imperfection sensitivity to insensitivity in consequence of such modes of stiffening will be presented. Koiter's initial postbuckling analysis is applied in the context of the Finite Element Method (FEM) to deduce these relations. An essential ingredient of a special form of accompanying linear eigenvalue analyses, previously used to compute estimates of stability limits, plays an important role in the derivation of these mathematical relations. The aim of this paper is to discuss remarkable transitions from imperfection sensitivity to insensitivity in consequence of different modes of stiffening.

Keywords: stability, bifurcation, post-buckling behavior, imperfection sensitivity, transition

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