

Ch. Schranz, B. Krenn, H.A. Mang:
"Conversion from Imperfection-Sensitive into Imperfection-Insensitive Elastic Structures II: Numerical Investigation";
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 195 (2006), 13-16; S. 1458 - 1479.

Kurzfassung englisch:
A qualitative improvement of the initial postbuckling behavior of imperfection-sensitive elastic structures is their conversion into imperfection-insensitive structures. Attempts to achieve such a conversion include the increase of the thickness and of the stiffness of a spring attached to the structure, respectively, and the reduction of the rise of the undeformed structure. Four different structures serve as objects of the numerical investigation. The results of this investigation include different modes of conversion from imperfection-sensitive into imperfection-insensitive structures as well as failure to achieve such a conversion. They corroborate the theoretical results reported in Part I of this work.

Symmetric bifurcation buckling, Imperfection sensitivity, Conversion into imperfection insensitivity, Numerical investigation, Finite element method

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