H. Kroiss, M. Zessner, C. Lampert:
"daNUbs: Lessons learned for nutrient management in the Danube Basin and its relation to Black Sea euthrophication";
Chemistry and Ecology,
S. 347
- 357.
Kurzfassung englisch:
The results of the daNUbs-project deliver a basis for a proper management of nutrients in the Danube Basin. The understanding of the sources, pathways, and sinks of nutrients in the Basin and their effects on the Western ad North-Western Black Sea (WBS) ecosystem has been improved. Quantitative models on the emission of nutrients, their transport along the rivers, and their impact on the WBS have been further developed and combined. Phosphorus loads discharged by the Danube are 30-50% lower than in the 1980s (dissolved P even to a higher extent). Nitrogen emissions have decreased considerably as well. The lower nutrient discharges from the Danube have led to a significant improvement in the WBS ecosystem. Current low discharges of N and P to the WBS are the result of (1) improved nutrient removal from waste water in Germany, Austria, and Czech Republic, (2) reduced P-discharges from detergents and (3) the consequences of the economic crisis in central and eastern European countries following the political changes of 1989/1990. As the decrease is partly due to the economic breakdown in the formerly communist countries, economic development in these countries has to go along with proper nutrient management. Otherwise, the situation in the WBS ecosystem will deteriorate again.
Black Sea protection, Danube River Basin, Eutrophication, Integrated river basin management, Nutrient management
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