O. Gabriel, M. Zessner:
"Discussion of an environment quality standard based assessment procedure for permitting discharge";
Water Science and Technology,
S. 119
- 127.
Kurzfassung deutsch:
The `combined approach´ as a requirement of the EC Water Framework Directive pools an
emission-based approach with an approach based on environmental quality standards (EQS) to improve
European water quality. The implementation of the EQS-based approach poses problems of defining a
reference water discharge, defining a distance, where the EQS are obligatory and thus have to be controlled
after point discharge, considering incomplete mixing. To elaborate a simple assessment procedure including
the aspects mentioned above is the point of discussion in this paper. On the basis of easily available data
and references from several European countries, recommendations for an Austrian assessment procedure
are presented
Combined approach; mixing processes; point pollution; regulatory praxis; water quality
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