
Wissenschaftliche Berichte:

E. Hauser:
"Determination of stiffness & fatigue properties of Dutch STAB 2007 mixes by 4-point bending tests";
Bericht für Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat Rijkswaterstaat, Dienst Weg-en Waterbouwkunde; Berichts-Nr. 0717E, 2008; 30 S.

Kurzfassung englisch:
In the framework of this interlaboratory test of four Dutch laboratories (KOA, KWS, TUD and
HEIJ) the stiffness and fatigue behavior of two common Dutch asphalt concrete mixtures AC
22 base 70/100 called STAB 2007, mixture A and B, was determined by means of the 4-
point bending beam tests in order to assess the precision (repeatability and reproducibility) of
the test method. In addition the established values were cross-checked in respect to their reproducibility
by tests carried out at the laboratory of ISTU. For that purpose each of the four
participating Dutch laboratories produced several additional AC beams for testing at ISTU. In
addition, specimens of both mixtures A and B were produced at ISTU with the same constituents
and mix design.

interlaboratory test , 4-point bending test, asphalt concrete

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