
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

W. Dokonal, B. Martens, R. Plösch:
"Architectural Education: Students creating a city model";
Talk: ACADIA-conference (Association of CAD in Architecture), Washington D.C.; 2000-10-19 - 2000-10-22; in: "ACADIA 200 Proceedings - Eternity, Infinity and Virtuality in Architecture", ACADIA-Association, (2002), ISBN: 1880250098; 219 - 222.

English abstract:
This paper describes experiences with the creation of a 3-D City Model at our University of Technology.
It presents an innovative approach in establishing a city model with the support of the students
in the study fields of Architecture and Surveying. The main goal of this work is directed at the
implementation within the framework of architectural education. This contribution presents the concept
in detail. It also discusses matters concerning the level of detail for different uses of such a 3-D

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.