
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

W. Blaas, G. Oppolzer:
"Socioeconomic dynamics and property rights regu-lation as driving forces of urban spatial development: the case of Vienna";
Talk: EAEPE Conference, Maastricht; 2003-11-07 - 2003-11-10; in: "The Information Society - Studying its institutions interdisciplinarily", (2003), 27.

English abstract:
In this paper we explain recent changes in urban structures and CBD functions in Vienna by entrepreneurial decisions to locate office buildings. The decisions to site office facilities are seen, in turn, as dependent on quantitative and qualitative demand for office space, and on the particular spatial conditions of the local office supply. The question we are dealing with in this paper is whether the recently observed pattern of location decisions may be explained by general (global) demand factors largely independent of the local economy in combination with the local institutional framework of the supply side. By looking more deeply into the two sides of the market we want to shed some light on one particular causal chain of urban structural development.

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.