
Talks and Poster Presentations (without Proceedings-Entry):

G. Franck:
"Mental Capitalism ";
Talk: DOM Konferenz, Linz; 2004-03-25 - 2004-03-27.

English abstract:
Mental capitalism is the most systematic form of populism. It is what the fully developed economy of attention amounts to. When performed as big business, the exchange of attention is mediated by information that is itself produced by means of pre-produced information and fresh attention. The information used as a means of production is valued according to its productivity, i.e., as a capital good. The earnings of attention are capitalised in their own turn. The essay is about how this immaterial capitalism materialises in urbanism and cultural production, in the style of politics and the working of the mass media.

Electronic version of the publication:

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.