
Beiträge in Tagungsbänden:

A. Mahdavi, J. Bachinger, G. Suter:
"Toward a unified information space for the specification of building performance simulation results";
in: "Building Simulation 2005, Ninth International IBPSA Conference, August 15-18, Montreal, Canada", I. Beausoleil-Morrison, M. Bernier (Hrg.); International Conference: IBPSA, 2005, S. 671 - 676.

Kurzfassung englisch:
We present a framework for the specification of building performance simulation output results. Toward this end, we describe a simulation output space, whose primary dimensions include scalar and vector attributes, spatial destination, temporal destination, and aggregation method. We then test the corresponding matrix empirically, by considering a number of performance simulation applications for thermal, lighting, and acoustic analysis. We demonstrate how the simulation results generated by these applications could be conveniently accommodated in the proposed performance output space. We conclude the paper with a demonstrative user interface prototype based on the proposed simulation output space dimensions.

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