
Scientific Reports:

W. Schönbäck, G. Gutheil-Knopp-Kirchwald, R. Wieser, B. Beschorner, R. Deußner:
"Regionalwirtschaftliche und stadtstrukturelle Wirkungen des U-Bahn-Ausbaus in Wien";
Report for Wiener Linien GmbH & Co KG; 2005; 212 pages.

English abstract:
Three dimensions of economic and structural effects of the Vienna underground railway are identified and evaluated: a) Domestic value added, employment and fiscal effects induced by the construction and operation of the Vienna underground railway, b) effects of underground connection on the real estate market, c) Ex-post and ex-ante evaluation of selected urban development projects following a new underground railway connection: "Millenium City" in the 20th district, district centre "Floridsdorf", development areas "Erdberger Mais" and "Flugfeld Aspern".
Models and methods applied: Part (a): Input-/output analysis, IFIP´s simulation model of the Austrian revenue sharing system (SIMFAG); part (b): hedonic price model; GIS; part (c): traffic simulation model, scenario building, correlation analysis in spatial context

German abstract:
Die ökonomischen Wirkungen des U-Bahn-Ausbaus in Wien werden in drei Dimensionen (= Projektabschnitten) beurteilt: a) Wertschöpfungs- und Beschäftigungseffekte des U-Bahn-Baus und -Betriebs (ex post), b) die Wirkungen des U-Bahn Ausbaus auf den Wiener Immobilienmarkt, Schwerpunkt Bodenpreis (ex post), c) U-Bahn-induzierte städtische Entwicklungsimpulse (ex post und ex ante)

Related Projects:
Project Head Wilfried Schönbäck:
Regionalwirtschaftliche und stadtstrukturelle Wirkungen des U-Bahn-Ausbaus in Wien

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.