
Vorträge und Posterpräsentationen (mit Tagungsband-Eintrag):

A. Mahdavi, A. Mohammadi, L. Lambeva, G. Suter, E. Kabir, C. Pröglhöf:
""People as power plant": Energy implications of user behavior in office buildings";
Vortrag: IEWT 2007 - 5. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung an der TU Wien, Technische Universität Wien, Wien, Österreich; 14.02.2007 - 16.02.2007; in: "IEWT2007 - Energiesysteme der Zukunft: Technologien und Investitionen zwischen Markt und Regulierung", EAEW, AAEE (Hrg.); Eigenverlag, (2007), S. 177 - 178.

Kurzfassung englisch:
Buildings are generally equipped with components and systems that can act as control devices. Windows, shades, luminaries, radiators, fans, and other similar devices can be operated by building occupants with the intention of bringing about desirable indoor conditions. The design and operation of systems for indoor environment control (heating, cooling, ventilation, and lighting) can benefit from reliable (empirically grounded) information on building occupants' needs and motives to change the status of building control systems. Likewise, performance simulation applications can provide more accurate predictions of buildings' indoor climate conditions and energy consumption if the patterns of user presence and control actions are modeled on a more realistic basis. While there have been a number of past research efforts in this area (see for example, Bourgeois et al. 2005, Hunt 1979, Newsham 1994, Reinhart 2002), there is still a need for further detailed data in different types of buildings and in different climatic and cultural settings. The present contribution is part of an effort to observe control-oriented occupant behavior in a number of office buildings in Austria over a period of one year (Mahdavi et al. 2006).

Mahdavi, Mohammadi, Lambeva, Suter, Kabir, Pröglhöf, People as Powerplant, Abteilung Bauphysik und Bauökologie, TU Wien

Zugeordnete Projekte:
Projektleitung Ardeshir Mahdavi:
People as Power Plant

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