
Talks and Poster Presentations (with Proceedings-Entry):

A. Mahdavi, A. Bodvay, K. Orehounig:
"An empirical approach to the evalutaion of living environments for the elderly";
Talk: PLEA 2007 Sun Wind and Architecture, 24th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture 22-24 November 2007, Singapur; 2007-11-22 - 2007-11-24; in: "PLEA 2007 SUN, WIND and ARCHITECTURE - 24th International Conference on pASSIVE AND LOW ENERGY ARCHITECTURE 22 - 24 November 2007", S. Wittkopf, B. Tan (ed.); (2007), ISBN: 978-981-05-9400-8; 751 - 757.

English abstract:
This paper deals primarily with the relationship between relevant architectural, environmental, and organizational features of the 19 homes for the elderly (HE) in Austria and their perception by occupants and experts. Thereby, two sets of criteria were considered: i.) The "objective" HE criteria (architecture, indoor climate, organization); ii.) The "subjective" HE criteria as perceived by occupants and staff (security, comfort, satisfaction). The central aim of the research is to examine if certain design features (including amenities) of HEs can positively affect occupants' subjective evaluation. Thereby, the relationship between a number of measurable features of HEs and their perception by the occupants are explored.

Elderly, living environments, indoor climate

Related Projects:
Project Head Ardeshir Mahdavi:
Lebensqualität in Altenpflegeheimen: Kriterien, Gestaltung, Beurteilung

Created from the Publication Database of the Vienna University of Technology.